Thursday, June 30, 2005

the reason we need a blog like this is

for those who have not come out of the closet as people with normal social skills--to have a place to say congrats to Dave and Seraphim (isn't it a big surprise that Dave NEVER corrected me when I talked to him about his wife Sarah!), to Tracy and to whomever with good news next...

The Mullins Family

Dear All -

The Mullins family: Seraphim, Zoey, and Dave.


Last Saturday I successfully infiltrated, by rite of matrimony, the yuppie horde. In accordance with the customs of my new clan, I participated in the newlywed ritual of IKEA visiting. The journey was long. The traffic, terrible. The Swedish meatballs, free and impaled on toothpicks. And on every bookshelf of every creepy fake and empty living room rested a copy of The Workshop, that most beloved anthology. I didn't even notice at first, as I am so used to seeing it on friends' shelves--my husband (!) pointed it out. I guess that answers the question I never quite knew I had: has a copy ever sold to someone not affiliated with Iowa?

This is a pretty lame first entry on my part, I know. I just wanted to get something out there so you all don't think I'm a lazy cuss for being silent for our inaugural two weeks. And I will be, as I leave for the honeymoon tomorrow. When I return any and all of you are welcome to crash with us just outside NYC. Perhaps we'll manage to short out those IKEA instructions and have bookshelves built in time for your visit.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Here we are.

And there are the cakes of ourselves we ate.

Thanks to you all for your input. I'll look to incorporate as many of your suggestions as possible as we realize our margins in the next few weeks. I hope you'll create a profile for yourself today and commence with the shit talking. Look forward to daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/scattershot posts from the former workshoppers you know and kind of knew. We welcome news of all kinds and hope to feature a smattering of literary, workshop, and open posts from our ranks of steady volunteer writers. What can you do? Upload photographs of things, yourselves, your new homes, or your new children, tell us what your book is doing, pass along job opportunities, tell us what you thought of a book you've read, be a nosy parker -- do something. It's your blog.

The Very First Thing

Dear Dears -

This is just to say that Dave and Seraphim welcomed a healthy baby girl into the world today.
