Sunday, October 02, 2005


It's October and the leaves and the sudden twenty-degree drops and I have been watching cable television. Ruthlessly. All these shows. I do one a day, minimum. I've seen Surface, which involves glowing oceanic alien parts and bad parents, from what I can gather. And I've seen Crossing Jordan, with its hot crossover potential on that Vegas show. Body parts all over the place and a ghoulish Brit. I saw Lost. They said the premiere raised even more questions and I wouldn't know, having had only two stations (at most) for the past ten years. Here's what I thought: going into a dark hole is a primally terrifying thing. Also terrifying? You're on a log in the middle of the ocean. Inside, outside. Scary, scary. Nip/Tuck: scandalous in that bawdy boring pot-smoking grandparent kind of way, but I like the slash. HBO's new Rome: real big. Authentic seeming hair-cuts, fairly unwatchable. Law & Order: SVU. Better investigating than interrogating and Jane Mansfield's daughter is on that show. Desperate Housewives: they've got this tuba sounding synth for the funny moments, deflates the humor, but something mysterious is in the basement. Alias: I do like the idea of a pregnant spy Ninja chopping.

I haven't found a show to be my show in all these shows, which is the thing (I think) you're supposed to want to find. And then you bond and then you make a little note in your mind to be there next week when it's on. I feel capable of bonding. What's good, people? You more savvy of watchers. I want to hear from you.

And, okay, in an effort towards redeeming myself, here's this new song. Catch Clap if they come your way:
  • Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

    At 8:23 AM, Blogger Manaster said...

    Ditto the Veronica Mars recommendation. A friend lent me her season one tapes. This is now the show that sustains me in a Buffyless universe.

    At 12:19 PM, Blogger SAS said...

    The new season has started, right? I'll just have to swing on by.

    Speaking of universes and Buffy, has anyone seen Serenity? I'm aiming to go tonight.

    At 5:51 PM, Blogger SAS said...

    I am into the Arrested Development. Way into. Well played, SER. But I've decided to make the all DVD decision on that one, a decision that many are making these days with the promise of bonus features and the lack of commercial interruption.

    I noticed today that the American version of The Office has not been canceled yet. I'm thinking of watching it this week. Will report back on progress.

    At 3:54 PM, Blogger VVG said...

    I am an unabashed television whore. I watch the following with devotion:


    The latter inspires more devotion than the former after a premiere in which my favorite character was OFFED. Heartlessly.

    I watch the following when I can:

    Veronica Mars (now on against Lost!)
    West Wing (now mildly interesting again)
    Prison Break (mmmm, Wentworth Miller)
    Gilmore Girls
    Everybody Hates Chris
    Desperate Housewives (only mildly interested in this, but Felicity Huffman is awesome, and now there's a black family in the neighborhood, reducing if not eliminating one of my main quibbles with the show... wait, most shows)

    On DVD:

    The Wire (this is a favorite of Jim Hynes')
    The Sopranos
    Sex and the City

    I do not get advanced enough cable to watch The Sopranos for real, so the Exeter library stash is my only fix. They have every series ever, though.

    For reassurance that you are not frying your brain, read that NYT Mag article on how TV makes you smarter. For real. Google it or something. I think the main idea is that television references more outside lit and culture than it used to, and also that the popularity of continuing storylines means that you have to pay more attention to subtler things to follow along.

    I will say that I think right now most movies suck, whereas television is chockfull of good writing.

    I want to see Serenity, but I live in Exeter and have no car! Someone with a car come visit me. Seriously, it will be SO FUN. Especially because it's parents' weekend in two weeks. Someone want to pretend to be my parent?


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