Tuesday, December 06, 2005

tragedy strikes again (and again and again)

regretfully, I must add to the collective grief of our group, gentle readers. my friend and former partner-in-crime died of natural causes last week. he was 1.25 years old. some of you may recall ingomar's fondness for chewing on things and pooping on stuff, or the way he marked his trail with micro-droplets of urine. he also enjoyed nesting, sniffing things, and going on romantic trips with ivan breedlove.

lots of people hate rats; society seems to think that is ok. i have to believe ingomar helped break down some of these walls, or at least bit little holes in them.


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

In Wisconsin, Ingomar and I tried to enter The International House of Pancakes, which has a health code essentially denying service to rats. I tried to convince the manager Ingomar was a hamster. I feel bad about that now, and the manager didn't believe me anyway. She told me The International House of Pancakes is a restaurant where people come to eat, and rats are rodents, and rodents eat garbage and carry diseases, and that’s what health codes are for. Before taking that road trip with Ingomar, I guess I was one of those people who “tolerated” rats but would never let one run around my floor. Now I think rats are cool. I won’t forget Ingomar’s little buckteeth or his way of answering my questions about life by staring beadily at me through the window-hole of his tiny clubhouse.


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