Monday, July 17, 2006

friend of a friend

evergreen state ropies, goats, or babies;

this friend of a friend is having a reading in seattle. it promises to be a lively and engaging evening. if you're in the area, you should check it out. here are the details:

Philip Fried reads from his new book of poetry, BIG MEN SPEAKING TO LITTLE MEN (Salmon Poetry, Ireland) on Monday, August 14, 7:30 PM, at Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 South Main St., Seattle, WA 98104.

For more on the book, take a look at

Fried is also the publisher of THE MANHATTAN REVIEW, which publishes poetry.

Store phone numbers: 206.624.6600 or 800.962.5311

In The Last Place

I don't know how many conversations I've had recently about Alice Muno's stories. Many. Many, many, many. And even more often than I've had conversations about her stories, I've thought about them. About what they do and how they do it and how impossible it all often seems to realize. And all the while during this talking and thinking, (almost) everyone else was thinking and talking about this news:

  • Edmonton Journal

  • I feel like I pay attention, but I'm frequently one of the last to know. I don't know where I am looking. Out the window at the cats that hide under the cars in the street. Maybe all of you have had this conversation already. Okay. But I'm still wondering how the fact that this book will be Munro's last book struck you. I felt sad all day. Now I am looking again at cats. Have any of you read the new/last book yet? What is everyone doing these days?

    Tuesday, July 11, 2006

    You Know Him As Brad

    His poems are making their way into the world again. You can visit a few of them here: H_NGM_N B__KS And while you're there, you can buy the chapbook. It will help you have a happy day.

    Soon, he'll be taking the Twin Cities by storm. Keep your eyes open for more forthcoming work.