Monday, July 17, 2006

In The Last Place

I don't know how many conversations I've had recently about Alice Muno's stories. Many. Many, many, many. And even more often than I've had conversations about her stories, I've thought about them. About what they do and how they do it and how impossible it all often seems to realize. And all the while during this talking and thinking, (almost) everyone else was thinking and talking about this news:

  • Edmonton Journal

  • I feel like I pay attention, but I'm frequently one of the last to know. I don't know where I am looking. Out the window at the cats that hide under the cars in the street. Maybe all of you have had this conversation already. Okay. But I'm still wondering how the fact that this book will be Munro's last book struck you. I felt sad all day. Now I am looking again at cats. Have any of you read the new/last book yet? What is everyone doing these days?


    At 9:52 AM, Blogger SЯK said...

    It strikes me as a bit of a celebrity thing to do: you know how, like Cher, announces that this is going to be her last tour...the tour to end all tours, but then a couple of years later she might have another "last tour." I'm not saying Munro is bluffing... If it is true, I'm sad...Alice Munro's stories changed how I read fiction. It's interesting that she said she wants to have some kind of semblence of a normal life, at least at her confirms the suspicion that you can't really have a normal life if you write, that you do give up your life in a sense to do it.


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