Friday, May 12, 2006

Iowa Moving South

I just heard in the past week that our own Becky Lehmann, poetess first class, is moving to Tallahassee to join me in the PhD program. As is newer graduate Robert Monroe, who is trying out the graces of the Kistulentz guest suite next week, while getting his I spent too much time in Ireland pale self sunburned to all hell.

As my new drinking buddy Mark Winegardner says, you can come on down and get a PhD for writing the book that you were going to write anyway.

Which brings me to this question: where are you, geographically? Where are you career-wise? And as the opening salvo, I will start. I will finish course work towards the PhD in December. I've got a bunch of short-shorts and or prose poems out now, including the Dick York piece in a new journal called VOX and the M*A*S*H one in SOUTHEAST REVIEW. The novel putters forward. Should be done in 3-4 months.

So hereby and forthwith, I request that you do the following: update us all. Brag mercilessly.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger SAS said...

Okay. I will say something: Geographically, I am in Ohio. My career is also looking very Ohio. Most of the time, I'm okay with that.

Congrats to Becky and Robert.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger chauncey swan said...

i'll go too. i'm in portland, still staying in my brother's office. i am presently without a career. i'm envious you'll be seeing more of that becky lehmann. she's a gem.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger SЯK said...

I've aged and gained weight, but plan to reverse this with some restelyn injections and a thorough colonic. Other than that life's looking bright.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Ian said...

After a six month sopping wet pit stop in Portland, I left just in time to miss the rainless summer that witnesses say is something akin to paradise. I will be moving in to a new apt in Chicago just in time for the summer humidity and to help PB (are you Writewell or Breedlove?) load up a truck and move away. I will spend most of the summer trying to convince Brad to move in down the street from me and be my constant companion.
I did just find out that a play I wrote will be performed at some sort of banquet hall/all purpose room in Williamsburg, Ohio. So if any of you happen to be in this small town east of Cincinnatti next month, stop by. I believe cookies and juice will be provided.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger VVG said...

I am moving to New York. Hurrah!


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