Monday, June 19, 2006

sorry if this is too low brow...

..but did anyone else see britney spears have a super freakout on network television? i thought i was watching an episode of intervention. millions of gay makeup techs across the globe screamed in unison. i think they're taking donations of proactive skin care solution, waterproof max factor mascara, and maternity bras at the red cross or something. it was almost as big a train wreck as sandra bernhard's catfight on the view.

in case that was too puerile for you, i'm also reading (slowly) john banville's the sea. I'll let you know how it was when i finish it, sometime next year, i think.


At 10:25 PM, Blogger SЯK said...

Speaking of Intervention - that's one riveting show. Its almost pornographic to watch how people have literally lost their souls.

At 1:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not sure if you were referring to fuzz when you mentioned Proactiv, but I had a friend who spotted Spears on the street once and swore her face was fuzzy like a kitten, so I'm about willing to accept that as fact.

I'm grounded from TV, but have been sneaking to bars to watch the World Cup. A sad thing is one beautiful, giggling Ecuadorian in a bar full of long-faced Poles. And an American rooting for Italy for no good reason is messed up and shouild be told so, whether anyone cares about soccer or not.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Lulu said...

More horrifying than the self-administered makeup, the oversqueezed tatas and compulsive use of air quotes, though, was her utter inability to craft a sentence. I saw about ten minutes of it (though, admittedly, most of that time was spent studying Matt's bare ankles).

Meanwhile, in higher-brow news, I'm still having Copernicus flashbacks, which might be the reason I haven't tackled The Sea. I'm spending the summer catching up on the Important Novels I Should Have Read But Haven't. You know the ones. When they were discussed over pitchers at the Foxhead, I'd just purse my lips and nod bemusedly and stare at my beer. Which begs the question... are there books you're embarrassed you haven't read? (And do you find that the longer you wait to read them, the harder it is to pick them up?) Are you brave enough to admit them here?

That said, on my nightstand lies the complete Rabbit tetralogy and Augie March. Embarrassing! But, after many years of desuetude in the Parry homestead, they're at long last being enjoyed.


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