Saturday, August 20, 2005

dry drunk in pdx--day 11

before i left iowa, the head chick in charge took me aside and told me i was drinking too much. a crutch, she called it. normally when i am the subject of a well-intentioned intervention, i just laugh it off and say, "shut up, ian. get us another round," or "quiet, dave. you're spoiling my manhattan." but since i've never been out to a bar or briss or other drinking occasion with this woman, i could not so easily dismiss her as a hypocrite. i guess some of you guys must have snitched on me. i'm not blaming you; i probably had it coming.

quitting drugs was really easy, because i moved to portland and don't know anybody here. also, i'm broke. i've gotten off "the dope" a few times before just by running out of money. i'm not enterprising enough to steal. the booze, though, is quite tough. it's everywhere and it's so delicious.

anywho, i'm doing this kind of home-school version of rehab called moderation management. at the end you're supposed to be able to drink like normal people. perhaps you heard of it when the woman who invented it killed a bunch of people in a drunk driving accident. i feel pretty good, considering i haven't gone three days without booze since high school

also, today i went to the naked gay beach on the columbia river (awesome) and last night i got fag-bashed (shitty). both were more intense because i was sober. i wonder if i'll end up being one of those awful people who won't shut up about his higher power...


At 12:48 AM, Blogger chauncey swan said...

yes...troutdale is, i believe, an eastern suburb. it's on the max (light rail to you). i would be delighted to see you then. i think i might even have figured out where everything is by then.


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