Friday, December 09, 2005

Spicing up the Blog

Dear Ropes -

I read in an unreliable online resource that "fantasies begin with the ideas of one, can blossom into a shared fantasy, and can become a reality as easily as making a wish -- as long as you make that wish out loud." I thought about the blog, decided it was time to start talking and stop inside-wishing. I've been warned that "many who are introducing fantasy exploration might receive a mixed reply -- part curiosity, part apprehension." I may be met with "a reluctance to talk about it." I may even be met with "outright refusal." This seems likely as many of our contributors have remained mute. But I've noticed that we haven't been blogging as much as we used to blog. Maybe it has become too routine, too familiar. Maybe it's time we started introducing a few new elements into our blog. I want to take our shared bloglife to the next level -- even it it's just the level of open discussion.

I've got a few ideas to start us out:
1. Toys
There a number of inexpensive gadgets out there that might enhance our blog. They can easily be downloaded and appended to our current format. Word games, puzzles, dancing graphics.
2. Outfits
It is possible for us to put a new dress on this blog, though I've heard parts of its face might fall off if we try.
3. Public Blogging
We can re-open our blog to the comments of others, provided some security measures are in place. We may need a volunteer lookout, for example.
4. Dirt Talk
We might invite contributors to talk to us on a more regular basis. Review, sling arrows, gab.
5. Frequency
(Couldn't think of a good title for this one.) We might agree to blog more freely more often.


At 6:38 PM, Blogger SAS said...

Thanks for the suggestions, SER.

I get the feeling I'm alone in my feelings, though.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger chauncey swan said...

any idea how many people are reading this? if there are people outside the approved list who want to contribute, i think we should definitely let them. i like ser's idea also, but maybe you could just email people and ask them to write stuff, like if they saw a movie, or had toxic shock syndrome or maybe read a book they liked.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Kistulentz said...

I think the blood boiling thing was what James and I have tried (with minimal success) seems to me that a lot of us are suffering from Post-Iowa Stress Disorder, wherein we no longer ever want to argue about books, even if Bognanni is spotting us the three bucks for one last Maker's Mark.

To wit, I will post something new, right now. Not for blood boiling purposes but just to reconnect.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger SAS said...

The colorful little cube at the very bottom of the blog is our site meter. If you click on it, you'll find that we're averaging about 50 visits a day. That's down from 100, earlier in our existence. We have spikes in activity when people post. We like the spikes.

I've always hoped that our most silent members might suddenly speak. I suppose we could single them out. Or welcome them with fruit baskets.

We can change the settings so that anyone can comment on our blog. As long as there is no pretending of being someone else, or using of mean photoshopped images of blog members, or barrage blogging, or bashing, I don't see a problem with that.

Finally, I think it would be nice to know that some of you are planning regular posts. It might remind me of the real meaning of Christmas again.


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