Monday, August 28, 2006


good thing my old iowa email address works. i just got this today from the uiowa press:

George Saunders, this year's judge, said, “Kevin Moffett is a writer who has the very rare gift of true kindheartedness. Again and again in Permanent Visitors, he surprises and gratifies the reader with the intensity and patience of his gaze—his ability to find the complicated, the funny, the human, the dazzling, in the stuff of everyday life. The best stories in this book remind us of the real and only purpose of fiction: to recalibrate the heart.”

more info available at powells or kevin's website. someone should do an interview with him for us.


At 5:55 PM, Blogger SЯK said...

Right on, Kevin ! Can't wait to pick it this up on Amazon and read the stories.


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