Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This month's issue of Harper's came and made me all smart for a few days. I fear the new smartness has worn off now, as I have already regurgitated what I've learned (in an increasingly inaccurate fashion) to 3+ people and that's the limit. From there, my fervor wanes and I can remember the look of the essays on the page and the feeling that there was something important happening in there. And then I'll go around with a spark of righteousness and indignation in my head until I realize I no longer recollect the source; I just know there was something to be upset about and I've got an issue somewhere in the apartment to back me up.

Before I forget the source, I extend to you the actual text. May you remember more than I do: Jonathan Lethem's "The Ecstasy of Influence" is a "Plagiarism," complete with a Usemonopoly.

Edward N. Luttwak's "Dead End" is also very worthwhile. I was utterly persuaded by it, which makes me a little afraid of reading it again.

And there's a Munro story in there too.

Good golly that was a good issue. I will send it to anyone who wants it. I'll even throw in a few extra surprises. We'll call it a mystery grab bag.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

AWP Atlanta

Hey all, just wondering who amongst us might be making the trek to Atlanta for AWP at the end of the month. Anyone? Bueller?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Prairie Lights cancels abortion book reading after threats

Iowa City book store cancels abortion book reading after threats

So wrong.