Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Ever wonder what it would cost to have a book, book proposal, screenplay, novel chapters, or synopsis critiqued?

Find out when the bidding starts on ebay.

In an effort to raise money to help orphaned children in China, Julie Kenner has pulled together an interested assortment of literary effects (you'll recognize many of the names) for sale: "We have a range of great items to bid on, from signed books, to Hollywood memorabilia, to critiques of your book or screenplay by editors, agents, and managers. Something for everyone ... and just in time for your holiday shopping!" she says on her fundraising website.

Read all about it here:
  • Bid

  • By the way, I'm just going to keep soldiering along on the blog.



    At 4:14 PM, Blogger SЯK said...

    Keep soldiering sister. I'm here in Moscow, just got internet and checked your word does not go unheard. All these open containers (of beer) in public places are totally giving me Iowa nostalgia. I came back from a cafe/bar the other day and my clothes reeked of smoke...and I was like, awwww, I remember when I had to air my clothes out after the Foxhead, man.

    At 5:36 PM, Blogger SAS said...

    I recently caught myself missing the organziational meeting at the beginning of every semester. Next it will be the soda machine in Dey House. Remember how delicious the Fresca? How randy that Mr. Pibb?


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